Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Simple Tasks and the Next Green Decision

As I have eliminated a lot of unnecessary things in my life, whether it be stuff, obligations, TV or other activities, I find I am a lot more content with simple tasks and the mundane. For example...I used to DREAD doing the dishes....I would put it off as long as possible with an overflowing gross sink in favor of doing other things. But now, I do them every night and it doesn't bother me. The same thing with laundry (this post was inspired by some quiet-time in the laundromat today), paying bills, ect. I can't say I get an ecstatic joy out of these things, but I do feel peaceful and happy doing them. Not only to get it "out of the way", but just feeling geniunely OK with my quiet life. Don't get me wrong...I still desire adventure and excitement whether it be traveling or other endeavors, butI actually look forward to having my quiet time doing laundry, dishes or whatever else needs to be attended to that day. It reminds me of alot of the Buddhist and some Taoist schools which used simple every day tasks...thinks that are truly necessary in life like gardening, washing, reach enlightenment. I guess once the necessary is realize that there really isn't much else! No striving for the newest fashion, car, or plasma least that is how I feel at the moment. I'll bet though after I have this baby I will want a new wardrobe! We will see....hopefully I can resist the urge!
I also made a green decision with my husband today. We will hopefully purchase our first home soon and we essentially have NO appliances (save a toaster!) I really don't want to buy new but DH wants Energy Star appliances...both have green value to them however I really think so much pollution and materials are used up in the production of these goods, sometimes equal to or more so than there use. (Another blog, Earth Home Garden talks about this with cars...a great and interesting post recently). We certainly don't need a lot...we aren't into anything fancy, we just want the basics. We reached a compromise that we are going to Freecycle or Craigslist as much as possible AND try to find ones that are Energy Star off of these lists...hopefully we will get the best of both worlds. Hopefully we can be patient and disciplined enough to do this right for our budget and more importantly for a greener world.

1 comment:

Downshiftingpath said...

new home, new baby.....
I love freecycle and craigslist and if you choose wisely you can have everything you want from them. Also try out yard sales etc. My daughter used to babysit and do her washing there at the same time, she saved money from the laundromat and earned money whilst sitting.