Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Everyone Else's Dreams and How Little I Need

Whew! A very hectic week so I haven't posted in awhile. Work is crazy as I try to finish up labwork and my dissertation so I can graduate in April and be Dr. SimpleNeoHippy before the babe arrives.

One of my favorite sites is www.simpleliving.net , particularly the discussion forums. Lots of thought-provoking stuff, inspiration for simple living and nice people. There was a post from a woman there who is due about the same time and is getting really aggravated with "Everyone Else's Dreams". Basically - everyone is trying to tell her and her husband what they really want - big house, big car, ect. ect. and of course tons of stuff for the baby...but they really don't want any of that for themselves.
I must say I share the same problem. Everyone has an opinion on what we "need" to survive. How interesting how as I get closer to being a mother, my life has been an experiment on how LITTLE I can live with. I have cut expenses dramatically, cooked frugally, decluttered, and even cut back on TV and other "needs". I have been pleasantly surprised on how little you actually need to live....and not just get by...to live WELL, fulfilled, happy, and content. Some things I have found I do NOT need to live well....

1. I don't need all 5 pairs of jeans I own...I am finding I only wear two pair frequently Same goes with the rest of my clothes, many of which will be donated to others who actually need them.

2.I don't need to eat out all the time. I get satisfaction out of cooking, and even spending time with friends, we have had just as good a time..if not better...sharing a homecooked meal together. I am healthier and have cut WAY back on my expenses this way.

3. I don't need TV. There are maybe two shows I actually watch but I end up missing them anyway because I get busy doing something else such as working, knitting, cooking, or reading.

4. I don't need a lot of space. I have been spending almost all my time in one room. I work on the computer, read, and eat all in this room. And of course as I declutter, I have 2 rooms of my house that are half empty...no need for a McMansion here.

5. I don't need kitchen gadgets. I have finally gotten into the habit of cleaning up the kitchen everynight. And I have found only a handful of utensils and pans get used, and certainly none of the "gadgets", even when I get creative.

6. I don't need a lot of food - being content with leftovers (actually a Godsend after a late night at work!) I really only need to shop for 3 meals to make the whole week.

7. I don't need a big car - The car seat fits, I plan to use a fabric baby sling, and my gosh half the backseat and the entire trunk is empty still! My little tiny 4-cylinder compact is more than enough for me, DH, and baby - even two later down the road - SUV is totally unnecessary for us.

8. I don't need cosmetics - short hair, sensitive skin - hair gel and expensive shampoo totally worthless for me, and with my sensitive skin prone to breaking out makeup only makes it worse. I only have to wash my hair every other day, and the look of my skin has actually improved by not wearing make-up (i think its silly anyway), or all the moisturizing, "revitalizing", "pore-cleaning", expensive stuff out there anyway...I don't think any of it really works better than simple soap and water anyway...at least not for this girl.

So how little do you need to live well? Are you living YOUR dream or everyone elses?


Downshiftingpath said...

The more I declutter the less I have. I have a room empty ( guest room) and many cupboards that were full of stuff and can now be useful. My linen and towels used to be tucked away under the bed but I have managed to clear a large old chest of drawers in which the bedlinin is now displayed. Each bed only needs 2 sets, one on and one in the wash ( a bit more for kids as they have accidents!). I make myself one new garment each year and am wading my way through the 16 pairs of black trousers in a variety of wear. I am actually wearing my clothes out without finding a need to go and buy new ones. Hey how liberating!

Teri said...

8 by 24 foot Silver Streak trailer, no electricity or running water, most of my stuff stored in our friend's old goat barn (but I keep dragging my knitting and spinning books over!)2.5 acres up in the woods with room for goats again. My husband's best friend is within walking range. DH now gets to walk in his beloved woods every day instead of just one day a week. We're part of the best little country church in the world. So yes, I would say that we're living our dream again.

It was fun to own a house for awhile, if only to see what it would be like. The cost was too high, not just in money but the amount of work needed to pay taxes and utilities. We are both much happier now.

Unknown said...

I've read just ONE post, and I love your blog already!! I will be back to read more later, but I've got my homemade French onion soup that I must attend to . . . yummy!

Endment said...

how wonderful to recognize your own dream when you see it!!! Cheers for following your own dream!

Sara said...

Great post! Everyone else's dreams...how easily we let them become our own against our will. We downsized drastically before moving to Montana. Then, we moved into an apt. that is twice the size of our last one...and we started to fill it up. Now, we are unhappy and feeling cluttered. Grrrr. So, we found a tiny little new apt. (thank goodness for month to month leases) and will be downsizing again. It all happened without us even realizing it. It's an active battle against consumerism...even doing the Compact, I am still sucked into having MORE USED stuff.